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Skinner Repair Products; 

The Skinner product range include various repair clamps and saddle tees designed to safely repair pipelines at a minimum cost. The emergency repair clamps are ideal for quick installation under pressure, avoiding any interruption of service.


  • Skinner Emergency Repair Clamps
  • Skinner Band Clamps
  • Skinner Pipeline Clamps and Pipe Joint Clamps
  • Skinner Saddle Tees
  • Skinner PS Economy Narrow and PS Economy Wide
  • Skinner Service Saddles

AVK-Syddal Repair Products


The AVK-Syydal product range includes an assortment of lightweight clamps that provide an economic and permanent method of repairing damaged pipes. Both clamps are corrosion proof and feature the patented ‘Waffle Gasket’, which ensures a reliable repair.

  • AVK-Syydal Wraparound Clamps
  • AVK-Syddal Engineering Maxi Clamps
  • WELD-SLEEVES (formerly known as Premaberg)

Repair and reinforcement sleeves for damaged or corroded pipelines

PMI provide a product which has been developed from over 30 years of experience in supplying equipment and services to the pipeline industry.

The Weld-Sleeves are designed and manufactured to suit a particular application. They are designed to reinforce non-leaking, weakened, or damaged pipe. During repairs, the line may remain on stream but pressure must be reduced to a safe level.

PMI now supply an extensive range of high quality pipeline repair & maintenance products designed for use in the oil, gas, chemical, and water industries.

TYPE PCS – Repair Sleeve

Intended to contain the working pressure of the pipeline. The Type PCS Weld-Sleeves are assembled around the damaged section of pipeline and then butt welded. Backing strips are supplied for the longitudinal welds. The pipeline pressure may need to be reduced prior to welding.

TYPE RS – Reinforcing Sleeve

Intended to be used for reinforcing pipelines and is not welded onto the pipe. It is essential that water is not allowed to penetrate between the Weld-Sleeve and the pipe. The Type RS Weld-Sleeve can be lap-joint welded whilst the pipeline is in operation.